George Bernard Shaw once said “those who seek paradise on Earth should come to Dubrovnik and find it”.  Dubrovnik (the answer to our extended photo contest) is nicknamed “Pearl of the Adriatic” and is listed as a

Dubrovnik - 1st Photo Contest Photo

Dubrovnik - 1st Photo Contest Photo

UNESCO World Heritage Site — and for good reason.  It is one of the most beautiful and historic cities in Europe.  It is on the Southern tip of Croatia on the Adriatic Sea directly across from Bari, Italy.

During the middle ages, Dubrovnik rivaled Venice as the leading trade port in Europe.  Because of its primacy in commerce, it had rivals and potential enemies and a need for forts and walls to protect the city.  These walls are now the major tourist attractions of Dubrovnik.  They circumnavigate to Old City for a total distance of about a mile and a quarter.  The views from the walls are stunning and the monasteries, palaces and churches  within the walls are perfectly preserved and represent the best of medieval architecture.

 Tips from Just Crises Plus

Cab fare to the wall is about $15 per cab and the ride is about 15 minutes. Tell the cab driver to take you to the Ploce entrance which allows for an easier walk.  Note that all walking on the wall is counterclockwise and also note that the wall is not accessible for physically challenged folks as there are a total of 1080 steps along the wall.  There are several exits from the wall if you want to take a partial walk.

Local currency (Kuna) is needed for admission (90 kuna or $16.50).  We recommend that you get this before traveling because the ATM machines frequently run out of kunas.

 Interesting Fact

HBO show “Game of Thrones” is filmed along the wall.

And the Winner Is….

We only had 6 correct answers to this week’s photo contest.  Congratulations to Kevin Carlin of Philadelphia, PA, who we randomly selected to receive the $25 gift card.

Extended Contest Photo - A view from the wall

Extended Contest Photo - A view from the wall








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